Jumat, 18 Agustus 2017

7 Sample of Letter

1. Example of Memo Letter

2. Example of  Business Letter

3. Exanple of Curriculum Vitae Letter

4. Example of Facture / Invoice Letter

5. Example of Job Application Letter

6. Example of Proposal Letter

7. Example of Inquiry Letter

Kamis, 04 Mei 2017

Tugas Smt. 2 Job Application Letter (Presentation)

Job Application Letter

Names Group 5 :
  1. Ahmad Dhoruri 16-222-01-060
  2. Hana Martiningsih 16-222-01-122

An application letter is a business document, part of the important correspondence between applicant and organization, firm or company, institution or various boards and committees that publish a vacancy. It is a paper frequently used in all levels of government, commerce, industry, and academia. Students planning to correspond in any undertaking require the understanding of the main points of a job application letter.

Parts of Application Letter :
1.Your address,
2.The address of the company you are writing to.             Use complete title and address,
3.Always make an effort to write directly to the   person in charge of hiring,
4.Opening paragraph,
5.Middle Paragraph / Body,
6.Closing signature,

5W + 1H
  1. What is the Job Application Letter?
          Answer : Job application letter is a business document, part of the important correspondence          between applicant and organization,firm or company,institution or various boards and committees that publish a vacancy.

2. Who are normally the make Job Application Letter?
Answer : Which is used to make a job application letter is someone  who would apply for a job.

3. Where we can find the Job Application Letter ?
Answer : We usually find  a job aplication letter at the employment office.

4. When did the Job Application Letter should be made?
Answer:  Job application letter is created when someone would like to apply for employment.

5. Why we must to make a job Application Letter be made?
Answer : Because destinations job application letter is to get a job with a particular position.

6. How to make a job application letter?
Answer :
1.    Your address,
2.    The address of the company you are writing to. Use complete title and address,
3.    Always make an effort to write directly to the person in charge of hiring,
4.    Opening paragraph,
5.    Middle Paragraph / Body,
6.    Closing signature,
7.    Signature.

Example From Indonesia

Example From Amerika Serikat


Surat menyurat
Bersifat Formal
Kerap kali
Pekerjaan / Tanggung jawab
Secara langsung

We meet closing session today.
I hope you can understand about our material.Thank for the question and suggestion. And then Thank for your attention.

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

Senin, 30 Januari 2017

Transportation Engineering (Presentation)

-          FEBRY SEPTIAN
-          GINA SONIA

  What is transport engineering ?
Transport engineers is a planner , design and operate the large public and private infrastructure systems that connect our physical world.
For example large-scale transport infrastructure, including road, rail, air and water. Transport engineers quantify and optimise our mobility infrastructure networks to meet travel and freight demands, while ensuring safety, equity and sustainability, at minimal levels of congestion and cost.
insinyur transportasi yaitu seorang perencana, desain dan mengoperasikan sistem infrastruktur publik dan swasta besar yang menghubungkan dunia fisik kita.
Misalnya skala besar infrastruktur transportasi, termasuk jalan, kereta api, udara dan air. insinyur transportasi mengukur dan mengoptimalkan jaringan infrastruktur mobilitas kami untuk memenuhi tuntutan perjalanan dan angkutan, sambil memastikan keamanan, keadilan dan keberlanjutan, pada tingkat minimal kemacetan dan biaya.
Transport engineering has always been one of the essential civil engineering disciplines, impacting roadways, bridges, transit stations, airports and sea ports etc. Transport engineering has now developed into a multidisciplinary field spanning economics, politics, sociology and psychology, in addition to its core mathematical, engineering and computational principles.
Rekayasa Transportasi selalu menjadi salah satu disiplin ilmu teknik sipil penting, berdampak jalan raya, jembatan, stasiun transit, bandara dan pelabuhan laut dll rekayasa transportasi kini telah berkembang menjadi bidang multidisiplin yang mencakup ekonomi, politik, sosiologi dan psikologi, selain inti matematika, teknik dan prinsip-prinsip komputasi.

Transportation planning involving the science of mathematical techniques to:
• To determine the improvement of transport infrastructure
• reduce emissions
• reduce energy use.
• predict, represent and measure
• evolution of land use in cities
• attributes such as a destination travel
Perencanaan Transportasi yang melibatkan ilmu teknik matematika untuk:
• Untuk menentukan perbaikan infrastruktur transportasi
• mengurangi emisi
( pemancaran cahaya )
• mengurangi penggunaan energi.
• memprediksi, mewakili dan
• evolusi penggunaan lahan di kota-kota
• atribut seperti tujuan wisata
Transport Design
Transport engineers (face multi-faceted) design decisions .They are designing optimised transport infrastructure networks. These might relate to:
physical expansion of transportation facilities, such as lane width or number of lanes, to highway
• material and thickness used in pavement
• geometry of facilities, such as roads, railway lines or airports
• Scheme street
• application of information technology-based.
Desain Transportasi

insinyur transportasi menghadapi keputusan desain
(berbagai-ragam) ketika mereka merancang jaringan infrastruktur transportasi dioptimalkan. Ini mungkin berhubungan dengan:
- perluasan fisik fasilitas transportasi, seperti lebar jalur atau jumlah jalur, untuk jalan raya.
- bahan dan ketebalan digunakan di trotoar
- geometri fasilitas, seperti jalan, jalur rel atau bandara
- Skema jalan
- Penerapan berbasis teknologi informasi
Dalam semua keputusan desain, beberapa ukuran kinerja, metrik biaya dan kriteria keselamatan harus dipertimbangkan dan ditimbang.

            In all design decisions, multiple performance measures, cost metrics and safety criteria must be considered and weighed.
Transport operations
            Transport operations, whether for road, rail, port or air traffic, are designed to minimise travel delays, improve safety, reduce emissions and enhance reliability.
Transport operation decisions involve:
   optimising traffic signals
   setting specific tolls
designing traffic signs and markings
perasi Transportasi
    Operasi transportasi, baik untuk jalan, kereta      api, pelabuhan atau lalu lintas udara, yang dirancang untuk meminimalkan penundaan perjalanan, meningkatkan keamanan, mengurangi emisi dan meningkatkan keandalan

keputusan operasi transportasi meliputi:
• mengoptimalkan sinyal lalu lintas
• pengaturan tol tertentu
• tanda-tanda merancang lalu lintas dan marka
With the development of new Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), transport engineers use tools including advanced traveller information systems (such as variable message signs), advanced traffic control systems (such as ramp meters) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications to optimise the performance of the transport system.
Dengan perkembangan Sistem Transportasi Cerdas baru (ITS), insinyur transportasi menggunakan alat termasuk sistem canggih informasi wisatawan (seperti tanda pesan variabel), sistem kontrol lalu lintas canggih (seperti jalan meter) dan kendaraan-kendaraan (V2V) komunikasi untuk mengoptimalkan kinerja sistem transportasi.

  1. What is a transport engineering?
            Answer :
            That is a system of public and large private infrastructure connecting our physical world, such as large-scale transportation infrastructure, including roads, rail, air and       water.
  1. Where are  the transport operation is usually done?
            Answer :
            Transport operations are usually performed on a highway, railroad stations, ports and air traffic.
  1. Who was important role in the planning of transportation?
            Answer :
               Which plays an important role in transportation planning is an engineer in the field of civil engineering which concentrates particularly for transportation.
4.  When the odd effect of system on four-wheeled vehicles?
               Monday to Friday. To mornings from 07:00 am until 10:00 pm. As for the afternoon from 16:00 pm to 20:00 pm.

            The system is not valid on Saturday and Sunday and national holidays.
5.         Why does transport operation should be done?
            Answer :
                      As it aims to minimize delays, to improve security, reduce emissions and improve reliability as well as taking other considerations.

6.         How is the method performed by transportation engineers?
            Answer :
It involves a mathematical method to predict, represent and measure such as the evolution of land use in the city of the city.
1. Transport engineerings  (Subject)  is (to be) a planner , design and operate (V1) the large public and private infrastruce systems that connect our physical world (Object).
Simple Present Tense (Subject + to be (is, are, am)+ verb 1+ Object/ adverb)
        Because  simple present tense 
2. Transport engineerings(Subject)  quantity and optimise our mobility infrastructure networks to meet travel and freight demands, while ensuring safety, equity and sustainability, at minimal level of congestion and cost(Verb 1).
            Simple Present Tense.
3. Transport engineering (Subject)  has (to be) always been one of the essential (Verb 3) civil engineering discipline, impacting roadways, bridges, transit stations, airports and sea ports etc (Object).
     Present Perfect Tense (Subject + to be (has, have) + been + verb3 + object / adverb)

4. Transport Engineering (Subject) has (to be) now develoved  into a multidiciplinary field spanning economics, politics, sociology and psychology, in addition to its core mathematical, engineering and computational principles (Verb 3).
5. Transport engineers (face multi-faceted) design decisions .They are designing optimised transport infrastructure networks.
                 Transport engineers (Subject) Face (Verb 1). Simple Present Tense (multi – faceted) design decisions.
6.They are (Subject)  desiging (Verb Ing)  optimised transport infrastructure networks.

        Present Continuous Tense